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President Begaj: EU should lift sanctions unfairly imposed on Kosovo
At the state reception marking Kosovo's independence, Kosovo's President, Vjosa Osmani, said that "arm by arm with our allies we will move forward".From here, a call was made by Osmani, for everyone to work with dedication for this land, for which blood was shed.President Osmani said that Kosovo has moved forward, and the youth are the ones who have taken it forward.Osmani added that it must be proven to the whole world that Kosovo is a success story. "Kosovo told the whole world unanimously that it will always be free, independent and sovereign. The memory of each KLA martyr is forever engraved. In these 17 years, Kosovo has moved forward, our youth has excelled in sports, science, art and every other field. Women and girls have become unstoppable pillars of our state. February 17 today, and forever, is a permanent commitment to build the future. I call on each of us to work hard every day with love and dedication for this land that gave us everything. Together, all with determination and unity, side by side with our allies, we will move forward. Let's prove to the world that Kosovo is a success story," said Osmani. Albanian President Bajram Begaj added that the EU sanctions against Kosovo should be lifted, as they have been imposed unfairly. According to him, Kosovo and Albania are loyal allies of the US and the EU.He added that Albania will always be by Kosovo's side.
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