​Construction of Orthopedics Clinic to be audited by NAO
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As part of the implementation of the Annual Audit Plan 2024/2025, the National Audit Office (NAO) has begun auditing the project “Construction of Orthopedics Clinic” at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (UCCK). The audit will cover all phases of the project, from the initiation of the request, the development of procedures and the implementation of contracts, to the technical acceptance and operationalization of the clinic.

According to the NAO, this project began in 2018, it was not finalized and put into service to the citizens of Kosovo until October 2024.

“The audit will assess whether the design, management and implementation of contracts for the construction of the Orthopedics Clinic were carried out in accordance with legal standards and whether public resources were used in a fair, transparent and responsible manner,” the announcement states.

It is further stated that through this audit, the NAO aims to assess whether the Kosovo University Hospital and Clinical Service (KUHCS) has ensured that planning, procedure development and contract management were transparent, efficient and properly monitored.
Finally, it is stated that this audit is part of the NAO's ongoing efforts to increase accountability and transparency in the management of capital projects and public funds.

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