The Government of Kosovo launches the pilot of integrated services for childbirth
The Government of Kosovo today launched the pilot of integrated services for the life event of childbirth. This initiative of the Government of Kosovo is made possible through a project supported by the European Union and the German Government, and is implemented by GIZ. Kosovo's Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, stated that through the launch of this initiative, a new chapter is being opened in how the state provides public services, closer to citizens, more coordinated, digital, and simplified, KosovaPress reports. He said that through this initiative, parents no longer need to go from one counter to another to complete various procedures. The Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, also considered the launch of the pilot of integrated services for the life event of childbirth as an important moment. According to him, this initiative contributes to the digitalization of health services. The Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Aivo Orav, stated that Kosovo has taken a major step towards digitalization today. He said that this initiative is a cornerstone and an approach that simplifies administrative procedures and improves access for parents. The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, said that this initiative is an important moment for improving Public Administration and public services. He praised the Kosovar government for the steps it has taken toward the digitalization of public services.
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