FOL: The genocide lawsuit against Serbia a rhetorical initiative
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The preparation of the genocide lawsuit against Serbia has remained more like a rhetorical initiative.

This is stated in the analysis of the Kosovo Government's 2021-2025 program carried out by the FOL Movement.

The director of this organization, Mexhide Demolli, said that the government's program has faced serious challenges.

"Among the main challenges are delays in the approval of policies, legislative defects and the lack of inter-institutional coordination. The Government's program has foreseen two main priorities of that time, which were the management of the COVID 19 pandemic and the economic recovery. Meanwhile, as for the sectoral aspect, the Government's Program is divided into 18 priorities," said Demolli.

She also mentioned the delay in the approval and implementation of laws, emphasizing that a large number of draft laws have been contested for procedural violations and have been sent to the Constitutional Court.

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