In an interview for KosovaPress, the pediatrician at the Children's Surgery Clinic, Dëfrim Kocinaj, said that in the eleventh month of 2023, 736 planned operations and 352 other emergency operations were performed.
Kocinaj added that this clinic has increased interventions in minimally invasive surgery and in endourology, compared to last year.
The children's surgeon, Dëfrim Kocinaj, said that there is a lack of staff in this clinic, mainly anesthesiologists and nurses. He added that the 24-hour emergency service needs a new project.
Even for nurses, it depends on which sector, part of the ward and part of the operative tract has an average number (of nurses). While the part of the 24-hour emergency service needs a new project, it is a new hospital, it needs new organizations, we have the spaces. I believe that soon we will make the 24-hour emergency part operational for all urgent pathologies in the pediatric age", emphasized Kocinaj.