Hospital of Pristina, over 50 million euros investment and 400 new jobs
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10 month ago
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More than two decades have passed since it was promised that the construction of the Pristina Hospital, which is expected to provide secondary health services, will begin. However, this project, which is estimated to be one of the biggest investments for Kosovar health after the war, has only now received the green light to start work.

The capital's hospital, which is planned to cost over 50 million euros in investment, is expected to have the Department of Cardiology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Endocrinology and others.

The Director of Health in the Municipality of Pristina, Izet Sadiku, in an interview for KosovaPress, says that it is expected that the project will be tendered very soon and the construction of the hospital will begin, while indicating that it will enable the provision of many health services for patients and the employment of about 400 health workers.

Sadiku mentions that the completion of the capital's Hospital may take up to three years due to its specifics of construction.

Sadiku tells KosovaPress that the 4.5-hectare property where this hospital will be built has been decided to be in New Pristina, near the Palace of Justice.

He says that this year they allocated nearly 3 million euros for the start of the construction of this project, which is expected to cost over 50 million euros.

Among other things, the director of Health, Izet Sadiku mentions that about 40 percent of the services in this hospital will be dedicated to out-of-hospital treatments, specifically specialized outpatient services.

Sadiku, while mentioning that the Hospital of Pristina is expected to consist of the department of Pediatrics, Gynecology, Endocrinology, General Surgery and other departments, mentions that about 400 new jobs will be opened.

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