Who is the person wanted for the arsenal of weapons found yesterday in Zvecan
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3 month ago
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Weapons, ammunition and various military equipment were found on Tuesday in a house in Zvecan, while no arrests have been made yet.

Kosovo Police announced yesterday that this case concerns a person of interest to the police, who is suspected of being related to the Bajnska case, while apart from being wanted, no other details have been given.

KosovaPress sources report that the suspect related to the case is Branislav Slavkovic from Zvecan, in whose house the weapons were found.

According to these sources, he was a hospital worker in the north of Mitrovica and has been living with his family in the city of Kraljevo in Serbia for about three months now.

According to the police report, during yesterday's search, three plastic barrels  buried in the ground were found, which contained military uniforms, AK47 weapons, hand grenades and cartridges, so it is suspected that these findings are related to the Bajnska case...

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