The massacre of Reçak, Osmani: The facts are more powerful than the continuous Serbian propaganda
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The facts are more powerful than the ongoing Serbian propaganda, declared President Vjosa Osmani. On the 25th anniversary of the massacre of Recak, she added that there is only one truth and that on January 15, a crime against humanity was committed by Serbia. Osmani emphasized that Reçak needs justice and that this gives meaning to peace and freedom. In the commemorative academy in honor of this massacre, Prime Minister Albin Kurti also demanded justice, who said that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has continuously denied this crime against humanity.

The former head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo, William Walker, has returned to the village of Reçak on this anniversary as well.

Walker said that every year, more people are aware of what happened in Reçak.

Further, Walker added that Kosovo is a history of successful democracy.

President Vjosa Osmani declared that the facts are more powerful than the ongoing Serbian propaganda. In the quarter century of the massacre of Reçak, she added, the genocide in this village is a permanent reminder of the brutality against children, women, and men.

Furthermore, the president of the country emphasized that in this small village, in Reçak, but with a great history, defenseless and unarmed civilians were killed. Osmani emphasized that the families of the massacred continue to bear the burden of the loss and pain of their family members.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti also called for justice, where he emphasized that in the chronology of the history of massacres, that of Reçak is the most terrible.

Kurti added that this massacre has left behind many witnesses who speak the whole truth from the first shot to the attempt to hide and justify the crime.

The Mayor of Shtime Municipality, Qemajl Aliu, said that the terror of January 15, 1999 served as an alarm for Milosevic.

Further, he added that Reçak is both pride and evidence which cannot be denied or forgotten.

On January 15, 1999, the residents were awakened by the firing of Serbian forces. 25 years ago, in Reçak, 45 Albanian civilians were brutally killed. This massacre is considered one of the most cruel of the last war in Kosovo.

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