The CEC certifies today the candidates for mayor of four municipalities in the north
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2 year ago
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Today, the Central Election Commission is expected to certify the candidates for mayor of four municipalities for the snap elections which will be held on December 18 in North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok.

The news was made known to KosovaPress by the spokesperson of the CEC, Valmir Elezi, who said that this institution will hold a meeting at 13:00 today (November 28).

Furthermore, Elezi said that after the end of the application process of political subjects and candidates, which was completed on November 25, the CEC communicated with the various state institutions to verify whether the candidates presented are in compliance with Article 29 of the law on general elections.

This article shows who can be a certified candidate for participation in elections, except in some cases, that is: if he is a judge or a prosecutor; member of KSF, customs, KIA, diplomatic representative or member of PZAP. Also, according to the CEC, it has been communicated with the Judicial Council of Kosovo to verify if any of the candidates has been declared guilty of a criminal offense by a final court decision in the last three years, or by court decision has been removed from right to be a candidate.

According to the CEC, during the application period for certification for participation in the elections (November 15 - November 25), 6 applications were received.

- Mitrovica Civic Initiative has applied for certification with its candidate in the elections for mayor of the municipality of North Mitrovica;

- The Democratic Party of Kosovo submitted the names of four candidates for certification in the elections of four municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zveçan and Zubin Potok;

- The Party of the Kosovo Serbs has applied for certification with its candidate in the elections for mayor of Leposavic;

- An independent candidate;

- The Vetëvendosje movement submitted the names of four candidates for certification in the elections of four municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok;

- The Civic Initiative Srpski Opstanak has applied for certification with its candidate in the elections for mayor of the municipality of North Mitrovica.​

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