Kurti: My heart melts when I see that children love the Kosova Police
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On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Kosovo Police (KP), a series of activities were held in "Zahir Pajaziti" square, including the demonstration of some special units of KP, the presentation of the Drone and Anti-Drone Unit, the Dog Unit, the Unit for handling explosive devices (NJTME), and others.

In addition to these, there were activities for children as well, such as basketball games, making drawings for the Police, music and modern dance by the Police and the children.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti participated in this organization, while he expressed his happiness for the love that the children have for the Kosova Police, he emphasized that they will take care that all those who have the will to become part of the KP.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, expressed his satisfaction for the determination, excitement and willingness of the children to serve the country in the future by becoming part of the Kosova Police.

Meanwhile, the Director General of the Kosova Police, Gazmend Hoxha, said that the capacities of the police have been developed, thus managing to gain the trust of the citizens with the police force.

He emphasized that the safety of the citizens of Kosovo is guaranteed because, according to him, future generations are expressing the will and passion to join the Kosova Police.

Lieutenant Shukri Islami presented some of the exposed equipment used by the unit for dealing with explosive devices. Frequency jammer, suit robot, and anti drone are some of the devices for which Islami showed their function.

These activities have started a few days ago and will continue until the central ceremony which will be held on September 6, where high state dignitaries, senior management of KP, as well as dignitaries from Kosovo, the region and beyond are expected to participate. /Z. Zeneli/

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