Detail from the Molotov cocktail thrown at a house in the north
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3 month ago
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Last night in the north of the country, an uninhabited house, which is an investment of the Government of Kosovo, was damaged.

The case happened in the "Kroi i Vitaku" neighborhood.

The deputy director of the Kosova Police for the northern region, Veton Elshani, gave details saying that in this case they have work to do, as they will start a proper investigation.

However, Bashkim Rafuna, one of the residents in this neighborhood also showed the purpose that the Serbian gangs had in this case.

The case was initially announced by the Minister of Administration and Local Government, Elbert Krasniqi, who said that around 00:30 at midnight, a police patrol identified smoke in one of the houses built by the Government in ‘Kodra e Vitakut’ neighborhood.

According to him, the fire has been extinguished and the damage has been repaired.

"Fortunately, no one was injured except for material damage. This is not the first time that there have been such attacks, but this is also not the last time that new houses will be built", said Krasniqi.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo, according to him, strongly condemns this act and according to him, neither this nor any other attack stops the residents from returning to their properties.

"Threats, blackmail, terrorist pamphlets, do not frighten the citizens, nor do they stop our work to ensure sustainable housing. This attack is an incitement of ethnic impatience, which is instigated by Vucic, who has remained closed in his propaganda and has lost control of the parallel structures in the northern part", he wrote.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Albin Kurti was also asked about the case, who said that those who committed this crime will be prosecuted by local bodies.

"The Kosova Police has already declared that, and we will also punish this… Meanwhile, those who committed this crime with this Molotov cocktail will undoubtedly be prosecuted by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo", he said.

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