25 years since the capitulation of Serbia
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Today marks 25 years since the signing of the Kumanova military-technical agreement, which ended the war in Kosovo, with the surrender of the former army of Yugoslavia and the capitulation of the criminal Slobodan Milosevic.

With this agreement, Serbia has been forced to withdraw all its police and military forces from Kosovo. The Kumanova Agreement, between NATO and the FRY (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), signed on June 9, 1999, entered into force on June 11, 1999.

It was signed by Michael Jackson, the first commander of KFOR in Kosovo and the former Chief of Staff of the Serbian Army, General Nebojsha Pavkovic, accused by The Hague of war crimes and genocide.

The agreement was reached after NATO's bombing campaign on Serbian targets for 78 days in a row, and after diplomatic efforts to end the war in Kosovo, during which more than 10 thousand people have been killed,

about 5 thousand others disappeared and over a million displaced Albanians. Material destruction has also been massive.

Among other things, the agreement stipulated:

c) that all persons and organizations with military capabilities, including regular army and navy forces, armed civilians, paramilitaries, air forces, national guard, border police, reservists, leave Kosovo,

as well as military police, information services, MUP, local, special, anti-rebel, anti-terrorist police and any group so defined by KFOR.

d) an air safety zone was designated 25 kilometers beyond the border of Kosovo

e) a 5-kilometer zone beyond the border with the FRY was designated where heavy weapons and the army, except for border soldiers, could not be deployed.

On June 12, 1999, the first NATO infantry troops landed in Kosovo, while the withdrawal of Serbian forces began.

The Secretary General of NATO, Javier Solana, on June 10, 1999 had issued the order to stop the bombing and the UN Security Council approved resolution 1244, where 37,200 KFOR soldiers from 36 countries were sent.

The mission was divided into five areas of responsibility, belonging to the American, British, French, German and Italian KFOR.

With the entry of NATO, the establishment of the temporary mission of the United Nations Organization has started in Kosovo, which would administer the country for a certain period of time.

At the same time, the Kosovo Liberation Army was also disbanded, to be transformed into the Kosovo Defense Forces./KosovaPress/

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