​ The Independent Union of the Private Sector presents an American company, says it will invest 800 million euros in Kosovo
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2 year ago
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The Independent Union of the Private Sector has today presented a collaboration with the American Company for exploration and mining (American Expoliring and Meeting), which is also supported by the American embassy in Kosovo. It is expected to invest 800 million euros in Kosovo for the private sector.

The President of the Union of Private Workers of Kosovo, Jusuf Azemi, said that this company aims to employ over 4,000 people with a minimum salary of 500 euros.

Video: "We as a union have a collaboration with the company, with our colleague Grant Liverett, and we are pleased to announce that Grant Liverett has come to Kosovo, his field is exploration and mining. Such a large investment can be offered to Kosovo once in 500 years. Investment for which, at the moment we communicated with the representative of this company, we were happy and positively worried because in Kosovo this company is offering 800 million euros of investment, for which it is known that Kosovo is extremely far behind with investments",

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