Zogaj: Urgent response is required on the issue of translation in courts
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3 week ago
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The Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Albert Zogaj, said that in the meeting with the Assembly of Court Presidents, it was urgently requested to address the issue of translation in the courts. According to him, this is a serious problem and that there should be actions by us and the Judicial Council.

At today's meeting of the Judicial Council of Kosovo, the regulation for the disciplinary procedure for senior management level 1, administrator and deputy administrator in the Administration of the Judicial System was approved. Likewise, the regulation for the selection procedure and appointment of the director of the secretariat of the electoral panel for complaints and appeals was also approved.

The chairman of the KJC, Albert Zogaj, said that in the meeting with the Assembly of Court Presidents, they discussed three issues.

Meanwhile, the second point which, according to Zogaj, was discussed at the Assembly meeting was the action plan for the procedural managers for the branch in Fushë Kosovo.

Zogaj said that the Assembly's recommendations are to make evaluations for lowering the qualification criteria of candidates for court interpreters. /Sh. Pajaziti/

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