​'A New platform in the dialogue', Hoxhaj: An agreement with mutual recognition can be reached in 2026
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The Democratic Party of Kosovo will have a new platform in dialogue with Serbia, says its vice-president Enver Hoxhaj. According to him, if the PDK comes to power after the February 9 elections, it will restore the need for a final Kosovo-Serbia agreement with mutual recognition at itscore. He even emphasizes that such a thing can be achieved in 2026. Hoxhaj, in an interview for KosovaPress, says the PDK will draft the new platform in dialogue with an inclusive structure of all political parties and civil society.

“With the PDK taking power, we will take some concrete steps in the dialogue. The first step will be that after three months after PDK takes power, we will have a new platform for dialogue that includes a comprehensive structure of all political parties. This also includes civil society and this dialogue will follow a single goal and idea, which is mutual recognition. We think that during 2026, a favorable situation can be created to reach an agreement on mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia. We do not see implementing anything without having mutual recognition on the table. We expect our partners to penalize Serbia, since the West's policy of impunity has brought about the attack in Banjska and Iber-Lepenc. We also have an untrustworthy government in Kosovo that cannot convinces our partners that the source of evil is Serbia, that so does not knowi how to behave internationally," says Hoxhaj.

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