Women demand more support from institutions for their businesses
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3 year ago
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At a roundtable organized by the Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo on "Empowerment of women in entrepreneurship", it was said that during the pandemic, women-run businesses were not supported at all by the Government of Kosovo. This discussion called for greater support for women's businesses, as the participating women said that the pandemic had damaged their businesses the most. The President of the CDBK, Skënder Krasniqi said that the purpose of this roundtable is to improve the business climate in Kosovo. Krasniqi mentioned some of the barriers that are preventing women from doing business. He considered the Law on Maternity Leave as the biggest barrier, for which he said that the CDBK have requested that those salaries be financed by the Government of Kosovo and not by businesses, as they are a double burden for businesses. The director of the "KosovaPress" News Agency, Suzana Hashani said that KosovaPress has managed to succeed in the pandemic despite the minimal support from the state. She urged women in business to come together and outline the challenges they face in putting pressure on institutions to overcome those barriers.
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