The chairman of the Committee on Public Administration, Valon Ramadani, said that he has received a letter from Digitalb and the Premier League, which states that "Art Motion" does not have the right to broadcast the English football league.
The received letters, Ramadani said, came after the discussion that took place at the meeting of the Media Commission.
The vice-chairman of the committee, Isak Shabani, expressed his displeasure with the lack of prior information about the letters that the chairman of the committee has received.Vetëvendosje MP, Njazi Isaku, read the decision of October 3 and February 7 for the return of "Arena Sport" channels.
In his reasoning, the chairman of the KPM, Jeton Mehmeti, said that proportional measures have been taken against the violation committed by the distribution operator.
MP Isaku then reacted, saying that "suspension" is not mentioned in the decision.The President of the IMC emphasized that before the annulment of the decision, it was guaranteed that such political messages on sports channels would not be repeated. These letters, he added, have also been sent to the embassies in Kosovo.
The representatives of the Independent Media Commission were asked by the deputies of the Vetëvendosje movement if they were under pressure for this decision. The same have stated that such a thing did not happen, but only the request for reconsideration.
According to the MP of the majority, Besim Muzaqi, the IMC should be independent from embassies and civil society. He asked the leader if they met with the "Devollët".The member of the IMC, Luljeta Aliu, also reacted to this, who said that there should be an investigation if it is proven that it had an influence on the decisions.
Afterwards, MP Muzaqi called on the prosecutor's office to investigate this issue. /Sh. Pajaziti