Violence and abuses are present in Kosovar sports
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1 year ago
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Just like all over the world, also in Kosovar sports there are cases of violence and abuse in sports, be they psychological, physical or even sexual. Although there is no public denunciation of them, the federations and the Kosovo Olympic Committee (KOC) say that these negative phenomena are damaging the local sport.

For their prevention, the KOC has started an awareness campaign for the federations, when, among other things, each federation will be required to engage an integrity officer who, according to the legal officer at the KOC, Blerina Imeri, will serve as an address for concerns of athletes.

The secretary of the Kosovo Basketball Federation, Elvira Dushku, also admits that there are abusive cases in sports. She tells KosovaPress that the fact that Kosovar sport also suffers from this phenomenon should not be hidden.

As a reason for not making public the cases of violence in sports, Imeri says that it is the fear of public lynching that can be done to the persons involved in such cases.

Otherwise, the integrity official has been engaged so far only by the Football Federation of Kosovo and the Basketball Federation.

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