Verification of votes is required for two draft laws that were approved in the session; it is suspected that there was no quorum
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9 month ago
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The Committee on Legislation has accepted a request from MP Visar Korenica for the verification of the votes of the two draft laws that were approved in the session of the Assembly, with the claim that there was no quorum to vote them.

The chairman of the Committee on Legislation, Adnan Rrustemi, said that it is about the draft law on reproductive health and medically assisted fertilization, as well as the draft law on school textbooks.

On this occasion, Rrustemi said that the request of MP Korenica is not the responsibility of the Committee on Legislation and that this situation is more of a technical problem.

Meanwhile, the MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Hajdar Beqa emphasized that this issue should not be neglected and should go to a plenary session in the Assembly, since according to him the two laws in question cannot be implemented without a quorum.

Beqa said that such a case is a scandal.

Meanwhile, the member of the committee from Vetëvendosje, Artan Abrashi, said that this issue of two draft laws voted 'without a quorum' is not an issue for the committee.

This discussion has been postponed to the next meeting as the members of the committee expect that the issue of the draft law on reproductive health, and the draft law on textbooks should be addressed by the presidency of the Assembly.

Meanwhile, at the meeting, three working groups were also established for the oversight of the implementation of the Law on the administration of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets, the group for the oversight of the implementation of the Juvenile Justice Code as well as the work group for the oversight of the implementation of the Law on the Execution of Criminal Sanctions.

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