US Embassy: Strategy for the Functional System Review of the Justice System, an important milestone
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4 year ago
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The Ministry of Justice, the Kosovo Judicial Council and the Prosecutorial Council have completed the strategy for the functioning of the justice system. For this came the reaction of the Embassy of the United States of America (US) in Kosovo. The response states that this is necessary to strengthen the rule of law and the justice system in Kosovo. "Today the Ministry of Justice unveiled the strategy and action plan for the Functional Review, an important milestone for strengthening rule of law and the justice system in Kosovo. Through four governments and four ministers, the Embassy has been proud to support this massive undertaking.  However, this is not the end of this process.  We urge the new government, once formed, to adopt the final documents and for the relevant Kosovo institutions to fully embrace and implement all recommendations.  This is not a political process, but one driven by Kosovo institutions.  Justice reform will benefit all people in Kosovo.," it is said in the statement...
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