UNMIK calls for further efforts to promote equality for all in Kosovo
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On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, UNMIK reaffirms its continuous commitment to support Kosovo institutions and other stakeholders in their efforts to advance the realisation of human rights for all communities in Kosovo, including in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

In line with this year’s theme, “All Human, All Equal”, UNMIK reiterates its past calls to place human rights at the heart of the COVID-19 response and recovery, especially to advance equality, inclusion, and non-discrimination in the process of “building back better”. “In Kosovo and around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities, disproportionately impacting a wide range of persons in vulnerable situations. In this context, UNMIK encourages Kosovo institutions, in cooperation with civil society and other relevant stakeholders, to ensure that all communities can equally enjoy their human rights, with a particular focus to ensure that no one is left behind”, reads the statement. UNMIK says that it is committed to supporting all actors in Kosovo in harnessing the power of human rights to ensure a future as a peaceful, open, and just society that is more resilient in times of crisis. Useful Links: Read further information from the United Nations and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Human Rights Day 2021, including key messages and other resources, here and here, respectively. Read the UN Secretary-General’s remarks and policy briefs on topics including COVID-19 here. Read the United Nations Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 Saving Lives, Protecting Societies, Recovering Better here. Read the guidance from OHCHR on COVID-19 and human rights in English, Albanian, and Serbian here. Watch the UN Secretary-General’s video message on the occasion of International Human Rights Day here.
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