Unemployment, corruption and emigration: What do young people think about the future of Kosovo?
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Young people in Kosovo consider unemployment, corruption and emigration to be challenges for Kosovo in the next ten years. According to a study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) on youth in Kosovo, which was published on Tuesday, it emerged that young Kosovars trust the KSF (81 percent), the Kosovo Police (74 percent) and religious communities (72 percent). These are the institutions that young people trust the most among local institutions. Meanwhile, trust in the government is (30 percent), parliament (17 percent) and political parties (9 percent).

Part of the presentation of this study was Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who said that it is worrying that young people are less interested and informed about politics.

However, he said that based on the report, it appears that young people in Kosovo favor left-wing policies more.

“It is a little worrying to find that today a part of the youth are uninterested and uninformed about politics. Historically, youth has always been the initiator of major decisions and turning points. We know its role in leading the progressive path. When asked about specific measures, the youth today generally favor left-wing policies. As a country that is growing economically rapidly, the left or the social democratic model ensures that the benefits are distributed generally,” said Kurti...

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