Police officers of the Border Police, on Friday evening, around 20:50, during the performance of their duties, in the village of Joshanicë in Leposavic, stopped two cars for inspection. One of the cars was driven by a male Kosovar Serb and the other by a Serb from Serbia.
In the car with Kosovar license plates, driven by M.M., year of birth 2004, Kosovar male, four packages suspected of containing narcotics-marijuana were found and confiscated. Amount of confiscated substance 4240 grams.
"The Unit of the Directorate for the Investigation of Narcotics Trafficking-North Mitrovica was notified about the case, and they went to the scene. The prosecutor was notified about the case and with a decision from him, the suspects were sent to detention for up to 48 hours", the police confirmed.