Behrami: Kosovo should review the Law on Specialized Chambers
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The Law on Specialized Chambers should be reviewed, considers former advisor to former President Hashim Thaçi, Artan Behrami. He says that the Specialized Court should report to the Kosovo Assembly, since according to him, injustice is being done in The Hague against the former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

In an interview for KosovaPress, Behrami states that the trust of the MPs, who had voted for the establishment of the Specialized Court, has been betrayed.

“The Special Court has betrayed the trust of the deputies of the Republic of Kosovo and after all those injustices. After all those human rights violations, after all that is happening in The Hague, it is the right time for the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo to once again bring the Special Court's attention back to the Assembly, to create mechanisms for overseeing this court so that this court does not act as it has acted until now,” says Behrami.

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