Two draft laws are processed for voting in the session, the opposition is divided about the vote
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6 month ago
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In the Committee on European Integration, with four votes in favor and two abstentions, the Draft Law on the Property Rights of Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Kosovo was approved, from the point of view of compatibility with EU legislation, and the Draft Law on the protection of to the consumer, with the amendments of the functional committee from the aspect of compatibility with the EU legislation, which were sent for voting in the plenary session.

The chairperson of this committee, Rrezarta Krasniqi, has emphasized that the purpose of the committee is to amend and complete the law on the property rights of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kosovo, adding that the draft law is not specifically regulated by the legislation of the European Union.

Meanwhile, regarding the draft law on consumer protection, the MP from the ruling party, Driton Hyseni, said that it aims at more advanced consumer protection by including the list of the main European directives that are applicable to consumer protection.

Meanwhile, there were abstentions from the MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Blerta Deliu-Kodra, and the MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Time Kadrijaj.

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