"Total failure", analysts talk about the progress of the Kosovo National Team during 2023
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Non-qualification in the European Championship 'Euro 2024' is being considered as a big failure for the Kosovo National Football Team.

The "Dardans" were in a group with Switzerland, Romania, Israel, Belarus, and Andorra, but received only 11 points, remaining in fifth place in this group.

Analyst Bylbyl Sokoli describes such progress as a big failure. Sokoli for KosovaPress said that the poor organization and lack of discipline within the national team has brought these consequences in the qualifying matches.

On the other hand, the journalist and commentator Arbër Loxha considers that the failure did not come only because of the lack of good organization, but the blame also lies with the players who did not give their best on the field.

Loxha adds that it is necessary to refresh the extensive list of players that will be invited by the new coach for the next gatherings.

But, unlike the others, analyst Alban Lumi considers that there were some external circumstances that directly influenced the failure of "Dardans" for qualifying for Euro 2024.

Lumi also added that there is no need for a big revolution within the team, but that some new streams are needed which would increase the competition in the national team. /A.Bytyçi/

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