This is the Minister of Education's reasoning for the poor results in the PISA test
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1 year ago
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The Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, said that the cause of our country's poor results in the PISA test are mainly due to the problems caused by the pandemic in teaching and learning, but added that there are many other factors that will enable the desired results.

Kosovo is ranked almost at the bottom of the PISA test results for 2022. Kosovo ranked 76th out of 80 participating countries for reading, 77th out of 80 for science and performed best in mathematics, ranking 74th out of 80 countries. Mathematics counts as the main subject in the ranking.

The results of the "PISA 2022" test were published on Tuesday, in which Kosovo has recorded a decrease compared to 2018, when this test was also held for the last time.

She mentioned the legislative changes and the support they have given to schools and they expect to see the first results in 2025.

Kosovo has not recorded good results in the PISA test over the years.

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