There is no information on the number of students from the Roma community studying in the Serbian language
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There are over 6000 Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children in Kosovo who attend classes in Albanian language. Whereas, some of the children from these communities attend classes in Serbian. Schools that teach in this language report only to Serbian institutions, as they follow their curriculum. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kosovo says that every year it has requested data from the municipalities that organize teaching in the Serbian language, but they have never reported the number of Roma children. As a result, this Ministry finds it impossible to help the learning process of the children of this community who learn in the Serbian language, because they do not have data on their number or other problems they face.

In the primary and lower secondary school "Daut Bogujevci" in Fushe Kosovo, about 70 children study in Serbian. They share the same building with the Albanians, but this group of students is not led by the director Sabri Xhigoli. “In this school building in Fushe Kosovo classes are attended by students of the primary and lower secondary school "Daut Bogujevci" in Albanian, and "Aca Marovic" in Serbian. The students of the school, respectively the primary school "Aca Marovic" organizes classes according to the Serbian curriculum. But we use the same facility. There are over 920 students in the primary and lower secondary school "Daut Bogujevci". There are 120 Ashkali students among them, and one is from the Roma community", he said. But there are over 100 other children of the Ashkali community and one from the Roma community who learn in Albanian. "There are 120 students from the Ashkali community, the Ashkali are Albanian speakers. So, they attend classes in Albanian without any problems. I also have a student from the Roma community, whose mother tongue is Roma. But in the impossibility for the education system to organize a teaching process in the mother tongue for those children, she attends the teaching in the Albanian language", said Xhigoli. Apart from the school leadership, which does not know the number of Roma children learning in Serbian, nor does the Ministry of Education have such data. "For the school year 2021-2022, the total number of non-majority communities that attend classes is 13,483 students. Of these, we have 13,057 students who study according to the education system of Kosovo. Whereas there are 426 Serbian students... As for the Serbian community, they attend classes with Serbian curricula. Apart from the fact that every year we request data from Serb-majority municipalities, except for the Municipality of Kamenica which reports, the other municipalities do not report, therefore this number, 426, is only for the municipality of Kamenica", says the head of the Division for Community Education, Nazan Safqi. Safqi also talks about the number of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian students who study in Albanian. "There are 2,704 Turkish students in pre-university education. In the Bosnian language we have 3,175 students, there are 362 Gorani students, Ashkali 4,118, Roma 1,108, Egyptians 1,404, Croats 16, and there are 376 students from some other communities", said Safqi. According to the MP of the Roma community, Erxhan Galushi, the lack of this information is inconsistent with the number of students learning in this language. "In the part with the majority of the Serb community, in those municipalities where the Serb community is the majority, there are members of the Roma community who attend their classes in Serbian... This is a problem in itself, because from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, there are only members of the Roma community who live in the Serb-majority municipalities. That is why they learn in Serbian", he said. Teaching in Kosovo takes place in four languages, Albanian, Serbian, Turkish and Bosnian. This article was realized within the project "Identification of challenges in the learning process of children of non-majority community as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic" implemented by the Center for Innovation and Development/CFID and funded by Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation/SlovakAid.
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