The VV MP: There is no reason for strikes, The Teacher’s Union is being used for daily politics
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2 year ago
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The Vetëvendosje MP, Adnan Rrustemi, says that there is no reason for strikes in Kosovo. According to him, the requests of the Teacher’s Union are without content and that they are being used for daily politics in certain elements.

Rrustemi for KosovaPress, talks about the clash of the executive with the heads of the justice system, the need for consensus in the Assembly regarding vetting and the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

"There is no reason for strikes. I understand that each social category requires the improvement of general conditions, but in this case there is no issue or reason that can justify the sacrifice of children by depriving them of learning... The demands are without content, and I I have no doubt, this of course does not include all teachers as a category, as I am convinced that Kosovo has dedicated teachers, but there is no dilemma that in the background, both as an action and as a structure, in this case the Teacher’s Union , in certain elements they are being used for daily policies that should not be allowed as a contingency for teaching", he says.

Rrustemi, who is also the chairman of the committee for legislation in the Assembly, says that reform in justice should not bother anyone, and even less the Prosecutorial Council and the Judicial Council. He adds that there should not be confrontations and clashes in relation to such a goal.

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