The US Deputy Ambassador: September 11 terrorists intended to take as many lives as possible
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2 year ago
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The deputy ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Alyson Grunder, recalled the words of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away on Thursday. With some words of the queen, she commemorated the attack of September 11, 2001 in New York.

Grunder remembered September 11 as a shock to the entire American people. She said their goal was to take as many innocent lives as possible.

"On that fateful day of September 11, 2001, I was in New York serving the mission of the United States of America, you can imagine what a shock it was to all of us who saw how it is possible for a human being to plan such hateful attacks, which had the sole purpose of taking as many innocent people's lives as possible," she added.

Grunder added that in addition to the ceremony that was held in Pristina, an inauguration ceremony is also taking place in Peja where a statue from a valuable pillar will be placed, which was donated by the fire department of New York and taken from one of world trade center towers.

Grunder expressed her happiness for the strong partnership between the USA and Kosovo.

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