This edition will welcome participants from more than 40 world countries with around a thousand participants.
The WPS 2024 Forum brings leaders, experts, academics, civil society representatives, influencers, youth and other interest groups together in the heart of the Western Balkans to discuss the current global challenges presented on the WPS agenda during uncertain times,as well as to elaborate the importance of this agenda for sustainable peace.
The forum's objective is to address historical threats to women's security alongside emerging security challenges, with the ultimate goal of joining forces to further advance the WPS agenda.
As an initiative of President Osmani, this forum represents one of the commitments on the part of Kosovo institutions for the Summit for Democracy and will serve for the exchange of best practices, as well as for the development of strategies and the design of new frameworks of action in the wake of an ever-changing architecture of security and peace in Europe and beyond.The opening ceremony takes place from 10:00-11:00 at the "Emerald" hotel, with special video addresses, followed by the signing ceremony of the Regional Center of Excellence for Women, Peace and Security in Kosovo, from 11:00- 11:30. The signatories will be the president Vjosa Osmani with the US secretary's Office for Global Women's Affairs (S/GWI) of the US secretary Antony Blinken, with the presence of the US ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier.
On the agenda are the discussions: 24 years of the WPS Agenda: A story from inception to implementation (11:35-11:55), Hear My Voice (12:00-12:10), Presidential Medal Ceremony (12:15-12:25), Voices Matter: A Global Call to End Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (13:45-14:45 - Beethoven Hall), Restoring the cycle of impunity: advancing accountability for conflict-related sexual violence (13:45-14:45, Hall Strauss1), special session How to increase the role of women in peace processes? (15:00-16:00), Uniform and Unyielding: Women Leading Change in the Security Sector (16:15-17:15, Beethoven Hall), The End of Silence? Creating Support Systems for Survivors (16:15-17:15, Strauss Hall 1), Fostering Positive Innovation: Advancing Climate Resilience, Environmental Protection and Conflict Prevention with Inclusive Technology (16:15-17: 15, Strauss hall 2).
The second day of work starts with the round table: From legislation to action: Parliamentarians at the forefront of the WPS agenda (08:15-09:15), to continue with "Mendoj për ty" by Alketa Xhafa Mripa with the presence of president Osmani, an open invitation to everyone to join the initiative dedicated to addressing and challenging the stigmas surrounding sexual violence in collaboration with the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Medica Kosova, Medica Gjakova & Center for the Promotion of Women's Rights (09:30-09:45), Voices of Bravery: Women of the Resistance of Kosovo (10:20-11 :20), Revolutionary climate solutions for frontline communities (11:30-12:30, Beethoven Hall), Shaping narratives, raising awareness and promoting accountability - the role of media in addressing conflict-related sexual violence (11:30-12:30, Strauss Hall 1), Side Event: Male Trauma War Survivors' Journey to End the Silence (11:30-12:30, Strauss Hall 2), Refugees, Climate Change and Sexual Violence: Addressing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience (12:45-13:45, Strauss Hall 1), Ensuring protection for women human rights defenders in times of conflict (12:45-13:45, Strauss Hall 2), Rethinking security through adequate funding: Advancing effective approaches to address security threats (15:15- 16:15, Strauss Hall 1), Climate Security: How to address climate challenges by placing women at the heart of security processes? (15:15-16:15, Strauss Hall 2), Side Event: Women of Afghanistan (15:15-16:15, Verdi Hall).