The transitional period ends, some Serbian citizens in Graçanica still use the dinar
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9 month ago
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Although the transition period of the Central Bank of Kosovo regarding the issue of the dinar has ended, where according to the Regulation on Cash Operations, the only currency to perform services for sale and purchase is the euro, although this is not being implemented by some businesses in the municipality of Graçanica.

KosovaPress has visited this municipality, in which commercial exchanges in some businesses continue to be made in dinars, however some others have stopped using this currency as of today after the end of the transitional period of the CBK Regulation.

The citizen, Vaska Kostiq, says that she continues to buy with dinars in shops even after the CBK decision.

Meanwhile, some other businesses in this municipality are respecting the decision of the CBK, in this way the sales and purchases of goods are being made only in euros.

This regulation entered into force on February 1, but the CBK had established a transitional phase, which facilitated the implementation of this decision.

Within this period, no punitive measures were imposed, but information was provided to citizens about the implementation of the regulation on cash payments. Meanwhile, commercial banks operating in Kosovo have been instructed to open new branches in the north.

The Central Bank of Kosovo announced on Monday the effects of the Plan for Facilitated Implementation of the Regulation on Cash Operations.

The spokesperson of the European Union, Peter Stano, said on Monday that on May 15, Kosovo and Serbia will hold the next meeting on the issue of banning the use of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo.

This will be the seventh meeting in a row at the level of the chief negotiators dedicated to this topic, while in the six previous meetings the chief negotiator of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, and the one of Serbia, Petar Petkovic, have not reached an agreement on any compromise solution.

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