​The CDBK calls on for the release of antiCOVID-19 measures
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3 year ago
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The Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo (CDBK) urges the Government of Kosovo to facilitate antiCOVID-19 measures, as countries in the region and beyond have done. The CDBK calls on for the removal of the curfew and also not to prohibit and restrict the exercise of activity for businesses, given that the capacity that our state has for financial support of the latter is extremely limited. The ban on operating of certain sectors is also affecting the general social welfare, given the fact that businesses that do not function are unable to pay staff salaries for the period they are closed, rents and loans, the statement says. In this way, the people who work in the sectors whose activity is prohibited or restricted, are left without a job and also without income for the same period of time, even though a part of the businesses are trying to at least make a partial compensation, it is further stated in the communiqué. The CDBK says that in addition, businesses that are banned from operating in full or in part, with 70, 50 or 30% of capacity, such as the gastronomy sector are being financialy damaged, as the products they use are short-lived. "Restricting the activity of the gastronomy sector is damaging a chain of businesses in various sectors, including manufacturers of food products such as beverages, food, furniture, event organizers, etc. The CDBK constantly urges the business community to respect the measures set by local institutions, but also demands from the Government of Kosovo that the measures be easily implemented, inspectors to control businesses that violate them and also to provide financial support for businesses affected by the measures. The CDBK considers that the release of the measures will have a positive impact on the well-being of society in general, as well as the business community ", concludes the CDBK press release. Meanwhile, the Pandemic Management Committee will consider today the measures for the COVID-19 pandemic.
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