"The terrorist attack in Banjska can be repeated"
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8 month ago
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The terrorist attack in Banjska on September 24, where the hero Afrim Bunjaku was killed, can be repeated, as long as there are unresolved contexts between Kosovo and Serbia.

This is what MP and member of the Security Committee from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Anton Quni, says, while emphasizing that in the situation these two countries are in, there is always a risk of inter-ethnic tensions and escalation.

Quni, in an interview for KosovaPress, states that the possibility of Banjska's case being repeated is not excluded.

He says that Serbia in direct cooperation with Moscow, in different forms and methods, can repeat similar cases to create political disadvantages at the negotiating table.

In addition, during the interview, Quni also talks about forced military service, which he says they do not see as the most appropriate solution, while also mentioning the high cost.

According to him, after reviewing the security strategy and following the trends of Western countries, it was concluded that the young people of Kosovo should have some basic skills in case of any emergency situation.

LDK MP Anton Quni said that they are ready for the new elections.

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