The super-salaries, the governor and the director of the Trust receive over 4 thousand euros per month
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2 year ago
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The law on salaries in the public sector approved in the Assembly with the coefficient in the value of 105 euros, does not affect the enormously high salaries in some independent institutions established by the Assembly of Kosovo and in public enterprises.

The governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), Fehmi Mehmeti and the managing director of the Trust, Adrian Zalli, will continue to remain among the highest paid in the country.

Governor Mehmeti receives a monthly salary of 4 thousand 430 euros or 53 thousand 165 euros, net per year.The managing director of the Trust, Adrian Zalli, has a similar salary to the governor. He receives a salary of 4 thousand 128 euros per month or 49 thousand 536 euros, net per year. Although, the Trust's performance with citizens' savings for 2022 was negative, culminating in a loss of around 120 million euros.

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