The students of the Bosnian community are prey to fake news, they learn how to protect themselves from them
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The conversion of President Vjosa Osmani to the Catholic religion, the reimbursement of the electricity bill, the holding of free online courses by the ministries in Kosovo, and the provision of direct employment opportunities are some of the fake news that the students from the Bosnian community in Prizren have read recently.

The increasing trend of circulation of fake content in the media is considered to be increasing the need for holding trainings related to Media Education.

Students of the Bosnian community at the "Gjon Buzuku" Gymnasium and the "Luciano Motroni" High School of Medicine in Prizren, as part of the "Media education against disinformation for non-majority communities in Kosovo" project, learned how to distinguish fake news, disinformation, propaganda, deep fake content, and how not to fall prey to them.

Student Haris Brenoli said that during the training he received information on how to protect himself from fake news and its influence. He emphasized that one of the fake news he has read recently is the conversion to Catholicism of President Osmani.

"This training impressed me a lot, because before participating in this training, I did not know that there were such fake things in different news. I really liked this and I want to come back to this type of training in the future. I will have more critical thinking about this stuff (fake news). Fake news that I have read recently was that President Osmani has changed (converted) to Catholicism, but this was fake, it was not true", said Brenoli.

Likewise, the student Lejla Dalje said that among the fake news and frauds she came across on social networks were those about the reimbursement of electricity bill funds and the organization of free courses with employment opportunities.

"I think the biggest impression I got from this seminar was how engaging it was and the presenter and everyone it was a very interesting topic, and also I thought the things we had to do when think about and the critical thinking that we had to do, and the sort of problems we had to solve and also the pictures we looked at was really interesting, and it also gave me a new perspective on media literacy. So, oftentimes, there are lots of fake news about Free online courses, or about paying electricity bills, which are fake, and so we have to be careful and use our critical thinking skills, and see what is actually true", said Dalje.

Holding such trainings for adults and students of the non-majority community is also considered necessary by the senior education official for the Turkish community in the municipality of Prizren, Ferdi Kovaç. He said today's training helped them understand the danger of falling prey to fake news.

"Both adults and students need to have these types of training more often to get information about what we are using and what is happening. The previous trainings we had on the use of social media, the news comes out differently, but the meaning is different. Today we have verified that it is indeed so", said Kovaç.

The project "Media education against disinformation for non-majority communities in Kosovo", supported by the United States Embassy in Prishtina, started about three years ago.

This project has included training for students from non-majority communities in most cities of Kosovo.

Its purpose is for the young people of these communities to learn to distinguish fake content from real ones. Also, through the topics covered during the training, it is intended to develop the critical thinking of the participants. /Z. Zeneli/

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