The Serbian army near the border with Kosovo; security expert Avni Islami speaks
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Security expert Avni Islami has commented on the recent developments on the border between Kosovo and Serbia, where the presence of Serbian military forces was observed and and who left immediately after seeing that they are being filmed by Kosovo forces.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti published last night photos where Serbian soldiers can be seen with military vehicles only 50 meters near the border with Kosovo.

Avni Islami considers that until the border is demarcated and the exact border line is known, there will continue to be such provocations.

Islami told KosovaPress that Kosovo should be careful and continue to follow the movements of the Serbian Army, despite the fact that they continue to justify themselves on the border line where the demarcation of the border has not yet been done, adding that they have the same justification before the international community.

Islami also expresses optimism about the role of Kosovo's security institutions, emphasizing that they, in cooperation with KFOR and EULEX, are able to monitor the movements of the Serbian Army.

Meanwhile, he adds that Kosovo should continue at this rate, carefully following the movements of the Serbian Army. Islam warns that these provocations will continue until a clear demarcation of the border is achieved.

Islami underlines that such provocations by the Serbian army at the same time constitute a provocation not only to Kosovo as a state, but also to the presence of the KFOR peacekeeping mission.

Otherwise, Prime Minister Kurti has called the action of the Serbian military forces a provocation of Serbia with the aim of destabilizing the region.

"Serbia has provoked again by moving its troops about 50 meters close to the border line with Kosovo, in the territory of the municipality of Kamenica. The relevant security institutions of the Republic of Kosovo have immediately detected these provocative movements by the Serbian army, which are aimed at inciting tensions. When they saw that we noticed and filmed them, they quickly ran away and left for their territory", he wrote. /E. Krasniqi

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