The second edition of the festival "Rame Lahaj International Opera Festival" starts today
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2 year ago
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The second edition of the opera festival, "Ramë Lahaj International Opera Festival" (RLIOF), has started today in Pristina. The founder and director of the festival, Ramë Lahaj, said in a press conference that the purpose of organizing this festival is to promote operatic art in Kosovo and support young talents. He also introduced the collaborators of this edition of the opera, adding that the festival would be impossible without the support of the institutions. "What makes me face all this stress, to start in our society a tradition or an opera festival, which not only has Kosovo never had, but not even the region has such a festival. There are some of the talents that I met at the first workshop when I was invited to Pristina in 2018 by Mrs. Apostolova. Why or what drives me to give all this energy and make a festival, which I hope has turned into a tradition and has been an inseparable part, because I am sure that the institutions of Kosovo need it, especially I am talking about for the opera aspect since we are already planning the construction of the opera institution. I wanted to help them, to help the young talents who, like me, once had the talent, but did not have the opportunity", he added.
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