"Also Vitia is in Kosovo", "We want our salaries", were the calls and inscriptions on the banners of the protesters, who demanded that the salaries be executed today (Friday), or at the latest on Monday, otherwise this municipality will start with union actions from next week.
The president of the United Union of Science and Culture Education (SBASHK), Rrahamn Jasharaj has said that the teachers are innocent in this regard, while he has called on the Government to start with the execution of salaries.
Meanwhile, Kemail Bislimi, chairman of the municipal level of the education union in Viti, said that they also protested in the Municipality of Viti, but according to them, the fault lies with the Government.
He said that only for primary and secondary school teachers, the means were not allocated, adding that there are 775 workers.Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance has announced that this municipality has not provided the necessary budget, and that the salaries have been executed only for a part of the municipality's employees. The announcement states that, despite the fact that the salary budget is allocated to cover expenses for the entire year, as a result of enforcement cases, some municipalities have already started to have a budget deficit in the salary category. Meanwhile, they added that the only municipality that has not made this adjustment is Vitia, which has left primary and secondary education programs without a sufficient budget for the execution of September salaries. /E.Krasniqi/