The position does not support the two draft laws on health proposed by PDK and LDK
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2 year ago
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The members of the Committee on Health from the ranks of the position did not even support the draft law on the regulation of the price of medicinal products, and the one on health, proposed by the opposition parties PDK and LDK. Thus, these two laws did not receive the approval of this committee in principle, as the Vetëvendosje MPs stated that both of these draft laws are expected to come to the Assembly soon by the Government.

And all the members of this committee expressed their concern about the situation in Han i Elezit and Kaçanik after suspicions of poisoning of citizens with drinking water. Therefore, they agreed to visit both of these municipalities tomorrow. VV MP, Mirsad Shkreta, asked for a response to this situation from both the central and local levels...
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