KAS has announced that the information collected during the population census will serve as a basis for critical decision-making, affecting every aspect of life, from health care, education, infrastructure development to resource allocation and policy planning.
But what should citizens know about the ReKos 2024 population census project?
Purpose of registration
Registration helps in understanding demographic changes, planning public services such as: schools and hospitals, provision of different services by municipalities, transport, budget allocations, allocation and limitations of state personnel in an area or municipality, as well as for future planning. It is essential for shaping the future of communities and the nation. An accurate Census ensures fair representation and distribution of government funds.The Population Census begins on April 5 and is expected to end on May 17, 2024.
From April 5 to April 10, 2024, census workers (enumerators) will visit your residential areas and more flats/houses to distribute materials such as: the leaflet, the information letter and to be notified with the Registration Area. During this period, an interview with any household may take place. From April 10, 2024, general registration will begin.
How long is the interview?
Who should provide the data?
Data is recommended to be obtained from each member of adult age (over 16 years) if he/she is present during the interview. In other cases, a member of the household may provide the data.
The interview takes place face to face. After the recorder has introduced himself, informing you of the purpose of the recording and what will be recorded, the location is determined and the interview takes place.
With what equipment is the data collected?
Can I access how the questions are being filled?
While filling in the questions, the respondent (the citizen) can see how all the questions in the application are being filled in, as well as can see each answer he gives.Enumerators are provided with an identification vest, bag, ID and Authorization.
The information required at registration
Who needs to register?
Then, KAS based on the criterion of the usual resident population will make the classification of resident and non-resident persons (during this period there may be a certain number who register, but who may be: tourists, temporary workers from other countries, visiting, any cultural or sports activity, mainly from other countries).
Registration of the diaspora
In what language is the interview conducted?
The interview is conducted in the language spoken by the communities. In ReKos 2024, the languages in the program/application in which questions can be submitted are: Albanian, Serbian, English and Turkish.
Documents are not needed to verify some answers that are required in the questionnaire, such as: ownership, rent, address verification or income. Since the personal number must be given for each family member, it is good to prepare (scan or print) the personal numbers of each family member in advance. The personal number can be found in the passport, identity card as well as in the birth extract (the extract can be downloaded free of charge on eKosova).
Must complete and accurate data be provided?Failure to provide accurate data is a punishable offense and the penalty is from 30 euros to 2,000 euros.
What questions can I not answer?
Your personal data is protected by the Law on Population Registration, the Law on Official Statistics and the Law on Personal Data Protection. The data will be anonymized and used only for statistical analysis.
Participation in registration is required by law. Communicate this clearly and refusal means that you can be penalized in the amount of 30 euros-2,000 euros per person.