The PA of the Council of Europe supports Kosovo's membership
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6 month ago
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(Updated) The majority of MPs of the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the Council of Europe (CE) supported Kosovo's membership in this organization based in Strasbourg.

Kreshnik Ahmeti, part of the Kosovo delegation, said that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) approved the positive opinion for Kosovo's membership as a member state. This opinion recommends the full membership of Kosovo, without any additional preconditions, as a European state according to Article 4 of the Statute and removing the footnote from the denomination. We welcome the proposed and approved amendments that seek to advance the civil rights of the citizens of Kosovo and we are happy that the opinion was protected from the amendments that would hinder the membership process. Today's result is the success of the intensive commitment of all Kosovo institutions and close coordination with international partners. Also, the strong democratic support in PACE should be seen as a positive signal by the Committee of Ministers to handle Kosovo's application in May of this year. Eminent lawyers of CE confirmed that Kosovo meets the standards, political reporters confirmed that Kosovo met the prerequisites, PACE as of today recommends membership. Therefore, there is no reason for hesitation, postponement, and even less opposition to Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, Ahmeti emphasized on Facebook.

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