The 'orphans' who put out the fires, no one takes responsibility for them
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11 month ago
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Firefighters in Western countries are heroes, and for this reason many citizens join them voluntarily. However, being a firefighter in Kosovo is both dangerous and challenging work.

With no status, no institution that takes them under management, no health insurance, no risk assessment at work, no systematic health checks and a lack of staff and firefighting equipment, they pray that there will be no big fires, since they do not have the capacity to control them.

The head of the Firefighters' Union, Muharrem Beka, in an interview for KosovaPress, tells about the condition of the firefighters, their small number, the lack of equipment and the challenges to perform this sacred work.

The lack of firefighters in Kosovo is making it difficult to fight against major cases and in these cases they are forced to seek cooperation from other municipalities of Kosovo.

According to him, for each day the firefighters in Prishtina intervene on averagely 3-4 cases, which, he emphasizes, is a large number of cases.

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