The PDK MP, Rashit Qalaj, told KosovaPress that Kurti Government has not done anything positive this year. According to him, it has been focused more on topics aimed at damaging the institutions of Kosovo and that it has created artificial problems in the north to avoid real problems in Kosovo.
The deputy chairman of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Lutfi Haziri, is also critical, he told KosovaPress that Kurti Government has failed in many segments and that the country is close to a social boom.
Haziri mentions as the only positive thing the reaction of the Kosova Police to the Serbian terrorist attack on September 24 in Banjska.Meanwhile, the AAK chairman, Ramush Haradinaj, told KosovaPress that the government is only deceiving the citizens through propaganda, since there is no concrete result in any sector in the country.
Likewise, the political analyst, Artan Muhaxhiri, says that the Kurti government has stagnated at all levels, in addition to the great promises and the enthusiasm it had when it came to power.
On the other hand, Prime Minister Albin Kurti, at the last meeting of the government for 2023, said that the aim of all government decisions has been the citizen and the strengthening of the state.During 2023, the Government of Kosovo held 62 meetings, a total of 526 decisions were made, and 66 draft laws and five legislative initiatives were approved. /E.Zeqiri/