The Night of Fires; citizens recall the words of Adem Jashari: His words made me a soldier
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Many citizens from all over Kosovo for three consecutive days bowed before the grave of the legendary commander Adem Jashari, his family members and those who fell in March 1998 in Prekaz. Like every anniversary, at the end of the event in honor of the heroic fall of the Jashari family, 56 torches of fire were placed around the cemetery.

Numerous activities were marked on March 5 and 6, on the 26th anniversary of the heroic fall of the legendary commander Adem Jashari and the Jashari family.

With what is known as the "Night of Fires" the KLA Epopee ends, marking the 26th anniversary of the beginning of the war in Kosovo.

Citizens from different places were present at the Night of Fires in Prekaz, among them Ibrahim Mazreku who said that he is thankful to the Jashari family and the Albanian people.

Also Qamil Sadiku, who came from Macedonia, said that he feels proud when he visits Prekazi.

Meanwhile, the citizen from Prekazi, Ahmet Mehmeti recalled the attack against the Jashari family 26 years ago.

Hazir Halili, fellow fighter of Adem Jashari, said that thanks to him he became a soldier and fought for Kosovo.

The third attack that took place on March 5, 6 and 7, 1998, took the lives of 55 people in Prekaz, 22 of whom were close family members of Adem Jashari. Only Bashkimi, the son of Rifat Jashari, and Besarta, the daughter of Hamez Jashari, who had experienced the horror, survived this attack.

The KLA Epopee ends tonight with a cultural-artistic concert in Skenderaj. /A. Zogaj/

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