The municipality of Lipjan organized cultural and sports activities for the diaspora
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The municipality of Lipjan this year organized the activity "Mërgata Fest & Sport" to welcome all compatriots who came from the diaspora to spend the holidays in their homeland. From August 8 to 10, sports and entertainment activities were held that ended with the big concert in the city center.

Singers such as Sabri Fejzullahu, "Ilirët" Group, Teuta Selimi and other artists took care of the citizens' entertainment, while competitive games such as beach volley, table tennis, chess, arm wrestling, darts, cycling, archery and small football were organized. The Director of Culture in Lipjan, Anila Reçica-Llugiqi, told KosovaPress that the main purpose of these activities was for our compatriots from the diaspora as well as resident citizens to have entertainment opportunities in a common place...
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