The MCYS union protests in silence against physical violence
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3 month ago
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With banners in their hands "Today I wear a mask because I work in a toxic environment! And I don't even have the freedom to express myself freely", the union of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports protested in silence.

The unionists have reacted to the " physical attack committed by the deputy secretary of this ministry, Xheladin Krasniqi, against the MCYS official, Miftar Latifi.

The protesters have not spoken about this physical attack, while the Minister of Culture, Hajrulla Çeku, when asked by the media, said that the Kosovo Police is dealing with the case and that the moment all the facts are collected, they will take the necessary actions according to the law and procedure.

This protest was organized as a call against any form of violence and for respect for the integrity of public officials, as well as to demand that this case be treated with justice by the relevant institutions. /A. Shala/

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