The materials of the illegal municipality of Skenderaj are handed over to the responsible institutions
Today, the police investigators have enabled all the material from the building of the former parallel municipality of Skenderaj in the north of Mitrovica, to be handed over to the relevant institutions, namely the Municipal Archive in Mitrovica and the Trepça Enterprise.
The workers of these two institutions have carried significant amounts of documents from this facility which they have sent to the south, where the classification will be done.
This is related to the investigations being conducted by the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica.
After the closure of the illegal municipality of Skenderaj in the north of Mitrovica by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo a few days ago, the state prosecutor ordered that all material evidence be seized, while the responsible persons be interviewed.
Otherwise, this building was owned by Trepça, but is now managed by the PAK.