The low level of salaries, PRB faces a shortage of staff
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6 month ago
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The Procurement Review Body is facing a shortage of staff, due to their resignations as a result of the low level of salaries. As a result of this, the head of the Procurement Review Body, Vjosa Gradinaj, has emphasized that there is a delay in the handling of cases.

Gradinaj, while reporting to the Committee on Budget, Labor and Transfer, during the review of the Annual Work Report of the Procurement Review Body for 2023, said that from the additional work, the workers in this institution are facing a flow of work, while she added that there are also their resignations.

While the MP from the ruling party, Eman Rrahmani, has also said that it is impossible for this institution to function with this number of staff.

The financial officer in this institution, Agim Shaqiri, has said that they have not found an understanding for raising the coefficient for officials, even because there are resignations of professionals for this reason.

The MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, said that the consequences of the wage law are big and worrying.

While he asked about the reasons for the delay in reviewing cases, he said that half of the resignations are happening because of dissatisfaction with the new salary coefficient.

Shaqiri has confirmed this, saying that all this is happening due to the lack of staff as a result of their departure from the low salary level.

However, there was not enough quorum for the supplementary report. While in the absence of the general auditor, Vlora Spanca, the review of the annual financial report of the National Audit Office for 2022 and 2023 has been postponed to another day.

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