The Kosovo War of 1448 is recalled at the scientific conference in Obiliq
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The Kosovo War of 1448, according to historical sources of the time, is considered one of the most famous wars that took place in Medieval Europe. This was said at the Scientific Conference "The Second War of Kosovo, October 17-19, 1448", organized by the Municipality of Obilq, in cooperation with the Albanological Institute in Prishtina and the Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje, in which the importance of the battle of 1448 has been treated.

While it was also emphasized the need to recall this battle of Kosovo's history through the organization of these conferences, which was almost in danger of being lost in the drawers of important European archives as well as in the minds of some young generations.

Lulzim Lajçi from the Albanology Institute in Prishtina, while talking about the Kosovo War of 1448, added that this scientific conference will serve as a good impetus to further address certain scientific subjects.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Obiliq Municipality, Xhafer Gashi, has told about the uniqueness of this conference.

Whereas, professor Skender Asani from the Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje, mentioned the two components that are related to the history of our people.

Meanwhile, the researcher, Dom Nikë Ukëgjini, while emphasizing the importance of this conference, said that the first battle of Kosovo in 1389 has remained in today's histography as an orphaned baby and as a blurred historical event, compared to the second battle of Kosovo in 1448, which according to historical sources is considered a very famous battle.

While, during this conference, statements were also read in which the role of Gjergj Kastrioti-Skanderbeg was emphasized, the Second War of Kosovo (1448) according to the classic Ottoman chronicles of the XV-XIV century, it is mentioned, the war strategy and the role of the wars of Gjergj Kastrioti-Skanderbeg in the defense of the country and Europe and various topics that belong to the battles in Kosovo.

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